Download the PopXFit App today to plan and schedule your classes! Our MIssion is transform your life by redefining the way YOU see exercise as easy, convenient and most important FUN! An active lifestyle is a happier lifestyle.
We want YOU to smile and sweat equally, bring the discovery of YOUR fun fitness activities to your fingertips, break down boring gym walls and get YOU outside! PopXFit is turning cities into PLAYGROUNDS!
PopXFit is a digital fitness marketplace that directly connects YOU with certified fitness and athletic professionals in the spirit of health, play, and fun. PopXFit has One on One Personal Training or Group Class Formats.
Search: thousands of classes to choose from
Book: easy to use on demand availability
Pay: Online, Cashless
Review: built in feedback
Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of signing up for classes from your device NO Monthly Commiment!! Download this App today!